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An Overview ✎

Friday, April 5, 2024

An Overview ✎

 Who am I?    

At the moment, as I write this, I do not plan giving my full name out, so I will go by my first initial, "A". 

As I am writing this, I am a first year sixth form student in Kingston Upon Hull. I am studying Politics, Sociology and Economics. I joined Labour last year as I am interested in pursuing a career in politics, however I do not agree with Starmer in the slightest and I feel he has watered down Labour and taken away the only party that truly stood up for the working class. 

Myself, I am a second-generation immigrant and my parents came here from Poland, shortly after the UK opened the border to EU migrants. I am (as my username suggests) a girl, however I would like to clarify that when I say this, it is not in a "demeaning" way, but in an "evading responsibility for my actions" way! I am and will be "just a girl" as long as I live. (This is a joke, please don't take it seriously.)

On a serious note, I am a radical-leaning feminist. By this I mean, I am anti-porn, anti-sex-work and anti-kink-culture. I am not attacking people who work in the porn/sex-work industry as I feel they are victims of the patriarchy. In the same vein, I am also not attacking people who engage in kink-culture, but I am against it becoming mainstream as it is a gateway to domestic abuse becoming socially accepted under the guise of consent. 

While I may be an immigrant, I do not support free migration. I understand the UK government does not presently have the resources to support large amounts of migrants and must prioritise it's current citizens. I also do not support the Rwanda policy as while it could be a deterrent (although there's little evidence of this), it is unworkable and is fundamentally inhumane. 

On the topic of Israel/Palestine, I am in full support of Palestine and I personally, do not feel that a two-state solution is a good plan. It was tried for 70+ years since the formation of Israel and it has failed. Throughout this time, Israel created an apartheid and mistreated the Palestinian people, regularly attacking them on land that was originally theirs. I feel that if the US really wants the state of Israel to exist so badly, then they should put it somewhere in the US. They have enough land and since they are the main supporters of Israel's existence, they should keep it somewhere over there, not impacting the Palestinian people. 

I am indifferent on religion and I feel that viewing this conflict as one between Jews and Muslims is irrational. Palestine is a religiously diverse zone with Christian populations and to say that it is a religion-based conflict is untrue. I believe in the separation of Zionism and Judaism as they are not the same thing. They may overlap in some areas, however they are fundamentally different. To say that Zionism is the same thing as Judaism and to say that being against Zionism is antisemitism is a lie. It is conflating two different ideas and saying they are the same thing. It is the same as saying that the Crusaders represent the entirety of Christianity, when obviously, they do not. 

I apologise for speaking in such depth on my view of this, however I feel it is important to clarify this as with current presentation of this issue in the media, it would be easy to say I am an antisemitic, when this is untrue. 

Moving from this issue, I do support the LGBT. I myself would say I am part of the LGBT, however I prefer to remain unlabelled as this is easier for me. I support same-sex marriage and adoption, however these issues are not very significant in the UK currently, so I will not go into detail on them. The more significant issue currently, is transgender people. I do support transgender people, however I feel it is a very niche issue that should be looked at on a case-by-case basis. On the issue of transgender women in women's bathrooms, I feel that the safest choice is to use the bathroom of the gender which you physically appear as (i.e. if you pass as female, use the women's, if you do not, use the men's). This same logic applies to transgender men too. I feel that the issue of men pretending to be transgender to gain access to vulnerable women is very over-stated. Of course, there are the outliers, as there are in any demographic. However, to say that all transgender women are predators is fundamentally untrue. Overall, as this is a niche issue, it is better to look on a case-by-case basis, rather than a general rule. 

This will be it from me for now and I will share more of my views in future uploads. I cannot include everything so I included that which is most controversial currently.

Thank you for reading this far. It is appreciated! I will post on this blog on issues of the day, however I cannot promise consistent uploads as I am in college and will find it difficult to constantly update on every single issue. 

- A

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